Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Beginnings

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord" Psalm 127:3a

Aaron and I have had an extremely busy week and are glad for a day of rest. This week has been a week of "new beginnings". On Monday we visited Aaron's cousin and brand new baby. What a miracle this child is, a true gift from God. It was so neat to see this precious little baby boy and then to think of the responsibility that his parents have to raise him. It something that should be taken very seriously. "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
On Wednesday, we witnessed four of our students share their testimony, which like a baby being born, was the start of a new life for them. It was very encouraging to hear these students speak from their hearts and share with their peers that their lives were changed FOREVER!!! These kids were so unashamed of the relationship they had with Christ and wanted the other students to share their passion.
That evening Aaron and I (along with the May's a.k.a Willie and LeeAnn) headed to another hospital to visit with another family who was celebrating in the birth of their child. However this family was celebrating a bit differently than the family earlier in the week because they had just ADOPTED this baby boy. As I sat holding baby Will, I realized that we are all "adopted" into the family of God. We all come from different places but the common ground that we share is our relationship with our Father. How amazing!
New beginnings can be scary, adventurous, exciting, and so much more, we just have to remember to make God the center of it all.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Day of Relaxation

How wonderful it was to have a day off yesterday. We have had no break from school since Labor Day, at the beginning of September, so my Saturdays are quite precious. And yesterday was the PERFECT fall day. I woke up, enjoyed a cup and a half of coffee, cleaned, started laundry, and then just relaxed. As the Auburn game started, I began to watch it and then decided I needed a little outside time, so I went out for a run. It was beautiful!!! I just enjoyed a 4 mile run and the fall leaves and sunshine made me wish my lungs and legs allow me to go just a little further. Home, shower, and start dinner. A new recipe for cheesy chicken enchildas, quite tasty! I did some online Christmas shopping while Aaron watched the Alabama/Tennessee game. Apparently, he has a slight hatred towards Tennessee. It was quite intense in the Turner home for a quarter or two.

That brings us to today. Now Sundays can be a bit more stressful simply because they are so busy but I'm married to the most amazing man, who makes sure that I take some time for myself. After church, we had lunch with Candice, Brad, and their son Micah. Micah and I bonded, which is huge because he's never really liked me. We are getting to be buds now. Micah's 3 1/2. :) Then a bit of shopping for Aaron before we headed home. Now in our house we have two meal traditions. Friday night homemade pizza and Sunday Brinner (breakfast for dinner). So being that it had been a long day and I was still in need to some relaxation I decided on an easier route for dinner. Grit casserole and biscuits, which were amazing. Aaron decided he wanted coffee using our french press. (It does make the coffee taste different, I enjoyed myself half of a cup). I enjoyed a lovely dinner with my sweet husband who showered me with praises for my excellent biscuits (thanks Mama for the recipe and years of observation). Then another relaxing surprise, the kitchen was cleaned and things were put away before I knew what had happened, all by THE BEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD. Now everything is clean, put up, clothes are ready for tomorrow and I have still have two hours before bed to just relax and enjoy some good quality time with Aaron.

So I guess my day of relaxation turned into two, for which I am very grateful. Hopefully I will have some more relaxing moments so that I can keep our blog updated. Until next time.