Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

Our Christmas began very early Friday morning, like 5:30 in the morning early.  This year we traveled to see our families, which meant a lot of driving.  I must say getting up that early in the morning to drive the 13 hour drive to Citronelle, made it seem shorter.  Maybe because I slept through several parts of the trip.  Trust me I am so much happier if I can just sleep while traveling that long of a distance.  Around 6:30 Friday evening we finally made it to Citronelle (where Aaron's parents live) and enjoyed some wonderful quality family time.  We were able to just relax and hang out with the family without having to rush in a million different directions.  And eat, oh the wonderful food we got to eat.  Speaking of food, while we were in Mobile Aaron and I were able to meet up with some friends for a truly Mobile treat... Foosackly's.  Such a blessing getting to spend time with such dear friends, really wish we lived closer and could do it more often.  

Sadly all I have to show was my cup of sweet tea.  I ate all of my food before I realized I hadn't taken a picture.  It was that good.

We went to church Sunday with Aaron's parents and then RELAXED all day Sunday.  I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is to relax and just spend some great quality time with family.  Christmas Eve we had Christmas and opened presents.  We were showered with so many wonderful things.  Sadly I have no pictures but I received two beautiful scarves (gotta love scarves) and an insulated picnic basket for taking food to people.  It will be put to good use I am sure.  On Christmas Eve evening we said bye to the Turner's and headed north 3 hours to spend the remainder of our trip with my family.  Those 3 hours may have been the longest part of the ENTIRE trip, but we listened and sang to just about every Christmas Carol the radio could offer.  I am officially done with Christmas music until next year.  :)

Christmas Day was EXTREMELY relaxing.  We woke up, had a tasty breakfast of french toast, bacon, grits, and delicious coffee.  My siblings are both nurses so they had to work, so our Waters' Family Christmas wasn't until the 27th.  I throughly enjoyed the time in the kitchen with my mama and listening to Aaron and Daddy discuss his new recording equipment BUT it was just weird seeing all of those pretty presents under the tree and not getting to open any of them.  Wednesday, Aaron and I headed to Carrollton, Georgia to visit my Granny and Pop, along with my uncle and his family.  We weren't able to make it Gardendale (where my grandparents live) to have Christmas there, so we just took a day and drove to see them at my uncle's.  We had a lovely visit and even got to see some SNOW!!!  CHRISTMAS MORNING (which was actually Thursday) was just as exciting as I can remember as a kid.  Another day of delicious breakfast foods, opening gifts, playing games, trying on new outfits, and again time in the kitchen cooking.  My aunt and uncle and cousins (along with their wives) came over for coffee and dessert that evening.  Such a wonderful way to conclude our trip being surrounded by family.

Friday morning we started the long trek home, and boy was it FOREVER long.  We finally made it home and keeping with our Friday night ritual we ordered pizza and watched Elf, for the second time.

Saturday morning, CHRISTMAS TIME AT THE TURNER'S... we finally had our Christmas.  I actually have pictures to show.  I always enjoy listening all year to things that Aaron says he would like but won't buy for himself, but never fear, I'm taking notes so I can surprise him.

Our beautiful Christmas tree.
Nose and Ear Hair Trimmers
One night this book came up in our conversation, Aaron had never read it, so he got a copy for Christmas.  He also got the audio version to listen to in the car.  We only made it through CD #2 on our car ride.  I think he may have made it farther just reading the book.  Needless to say he has really enjoyed it. 

This is a library press for ALL of his books.  I think he has been wanting one of these for about 2 years.  He has been stamping away.  

Modeling his new LLBean sweater.  He looks mighty handsome.  
Aaron outdid himself this year.  I got a brand new IPOD.  It has a touch screen, so cool, and the Nike Plus sensor is built right in, no excuse now.  I also got a full length mirror.  Which means I can actually see my whole outfit before I make it to school and see my reflection in the glass doors as I'm walking into work.  My stocking was also full of M-M's, fuzzy socks (because I love to have toasty feet) and a hat, scarf, and glove set, which I wore around the house.

My IPOD, isn't it cute!

My stocking stash.

Gracie enjoyed Christmas too.  She is a sucker for a good box and tissue paper.
Gracie loves her new kitty blanket.

The best place for taking a nap.
While Christmas 2012 has been different we throughly enjoyed spending quality time with our families.      We have enjoyed these last couple of days at home just resting and enjoying time with each other.  Looking forward to a relaxing evening as 2012 comes to a close.  Excited to see what 2013 brings!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!
Love, Aaron and Laura

We are sending our Christmas card via the blog this year.  We have made the long trip down to Alabama (14 hours to be exact) to visit with family.  We are getting some serious quality time in and I love it.  I will blog more about our trip later.

*check out more of our photo session by our dear friend Elizabeth at If you are in the Wake Forest, NC area she is AMAZING!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Our God is AWESOME!!!

Just wanted to share some of the awesome things Aaron and I have experienced since joining The Summit Church.  We have become a part of a small group that has blessed us beyond anything we could ever imagine.  We have made new relationships, rekindled old friendships (amazing how many former UM students are attending The Summit) and dug deep into God's word.  Aaron and I both serve in a variety of ways, in just the short time that we have been here.  I serve on the Starting Point Team (feeding people who are interested in becoming members of the church) and Aaron is on the Worship Team playing bass (he is such a natural).  Then there are Sunday mornings where Aaron and I get to sit together as a family and worship.  I can not even begin to express to you how AMAZING it is to be a "normal church member" after years of being on staff.  It is so REFRESHING.  I can only speak from personal experience (since I'm the one doing the writing) but I have learned so much from sitting under the teachings of J.D Greear.  Words can not express the knowledge and insight that I have gained over the past few months.

We recently went through a series entitled "ALL IN".  I am going to include a video clip of the conclusion/beginning of this process.  In this video it will explain what "ALL IN" is and what we as God's church are doing to be "ALL IN" for HIM.  The part I really wanted to share is about 9 minutes long but if you have about an hour, there is a great sermon after the "ALL IN" part.  Please be in prayer as we (Aaron and I) continue to seek God's will and are "ALL IN" for His Kingdom.

ALL IN VIDEO - (stops about about 9:07 but the sermon is awesome too).  Listen and see just how AWESOME OUR GOD IS!!!!!

BONUS FEATURE - The Story of God by Matt Papa.  I first heard Matt Papa at Preview Day at Southeastern over a year ago.  He is a student there and also one of the worship leaders at The Summit.  Someone posted this on Twitter, I watched it, and thought  "this is something everyone should see, or at least the few people who read our blog.  :)

One final thing:  Speaking of finals, that time if very quickly approaching.  I can't believe the end of the semester is almost here, just two weeks away and we will have our first semester of seminary under our belts.  Please be in prayer for Aaron as he works diligently to complete all of his classwork, quizzes, and papers and then begin studying for finals.  The workload is piling up as are the books in our study. 
Pray specifically for:
  • rest, pulling some late nighters, makes for a very tired Aaron,
  • remembering everything he has learned and being able to apply it when taking his finals,
  • patience and determination to continue working even when the stress of it all seems to be more than he can bear,
  • to remember that God has him for a specific purpose and to trust Him,
  • and to enjoy his break from school, spending time with friends and family.
For me
  •  that I will be an encouragement to Aaron,
  • allow him time to get his work done, even if I haven't seen him all day,
  • and verbally show him how proud I am of him, because I couldn't be more proud of all he has accomplished over this past semester.
Until next time...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving was a bit different this year because Aaron and I were not with our immediate family.  Aaron had all week off but I only got Wednesday through Friday off, so traveling home for the holiday wasn't an option.  So we stayed here in Wake Forest, North Carolina and started some new traditions.

Our small group decided to have a Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday night, which meant that Wednesday was spent cooking at the Turner home.  I had several Pinterest recipes that I had been wanting to try out and now I had a big group of people to eat them.  We also decided to tackle the task of cooking the TURKEY!!!  We received a roaster as wedding present so we thought this would be the best time to test it out.  On Sunday, we headed to Aldi to pick out the turkey and start the thawing process.  I spent most of Sunday afternoon researching how to roast a turkey.  Aaron spent Wednesday watching videos about roasting a turkey and then how to carve it.  Off to the kitchen to cook.  First thing on the menu: Peanut Butter Brownie Trifle

Making brownies and adding some Reese's cups.

Aaron making the pudding mixture.  YUM YUM

Finished Product

Next menu item: Cousin Vergie's Yeast Rolls
Aaron's Dressing - Thanksgivng isn't Thanksgiving without dressing, so I made some per Aaron's request.  Another great recipe I found on Pinterest.

Last Menu Item: Turkey (we also made Green Bean Bundles but I didn't get a picture of those)


Once all of the food was prepared, we headed to Laura Ashley and Lee Harper's to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with our small group family.  We talked about traditions, different foods that we eat, shared what we were thankful for, and enjoyed great conversation with new friends.  Even though we were not with our family, it felt like we were because our friends here have become family. 
Thanksgiving Day - Aaron, Lee, Laura Ashley, Holland Grace, and I headed to Green Castle Apartments in North Raleigh to serve the residents Thanksgiving lunch.  The Summit's I58 program has built relationships with the residents here by serving them weekly through a variety of activities.  We had the opportunity to meet other members of The Summit and the residents at Green Castle.  It was a beautiful day and a great way to spend Thanksgiving. 
After a quick lunch we spent the rest of the day resting for Black Friday shopping.  We decided since we live 2 minutes from Kohls we would go and see what all of the hype was about.  We ate leftover Thanksgiving food, pulled all of the Christmas stuff out, and started the decorating process while we waited for midnight to get here.

The line outside Kohl's at 11:30 p.m.

It was so cold outside.  I think our phones said 34 degrees.
We waited in line to check-out for 50 minutes.  We had a lot of fun looking for stuff, getting great deals, and chatting with the people we met in line.  We have now had the experience and I think it will last us for a while. 
Almost to the check-out
A pashmina scarf for $8.
My Favorite Tee - such a comfortable shirt. 

Aaron got a couple of shirts as well.  The best part - we saved more than we spent and still got $30 Kohl's cash to spend next week.  I feel positive that we will be able to find something.  It was a fun evening.
Today after several cups of coffee, Aaron spent most of the day working on school work and I finished decorating the house for Christmas.  We enjoyed our Friday tradition of pizza and some quality time together.  It has been a fabulous Thanksgiving and looking forward to the weekend.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Savannah 1/2 Marathon

Last May, all of the Waters/Turner children gathered at the Waters' home place for a joint birthday celebration, Mother's Day, general get together.  At some point during our time together Rachel brought up running a 1/2 Marathon and made the suggestion that we (the kiddos) all run one together.  This being said, Rachel and I, were the only two who had NEVER run a 1/2 marathon.  Aaron, Sybil, and Adam had previously run the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon in Nashville, TN.  After much discussion and searching, we found a 1/2 marathon... The Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon in Savannah, GA.  Let the training begin...

In June, Aaron and I moved to North Carolina and we began our training by running up mountains, well not really but sometimes they truly felt like it.  We did really well during the summer months but once school and work started, it just seemed so much easier to skip a run here and there.  By October, we got so busy that when Saturday hit for a long run, we honestly couldn't force ourselves to run.  Two weekends ago we ran our longest run of the training.. 10 miles.. still 3.1 more to actually finish a 1/2 marathon.  We were both so sore for the next days, I still wasn't convinced that I was actually going to be able to finish this race, but it was here, whether I wanted it to be or not.

So on Friday, we loaded everything in car and started the 5 1/2 hour drive to Savannah, GA.  Adam, Sybil, and Rachel met us there.  After way too much time in the car, I'm usually good for about 30 minutes, we finally arrived at the Expo.  We picked up our race number, swag bag, t-shirt, and went on a search for anything else free we could get.  I ended up with a free t-shirt and Aaron got 2 free bandanas.  The rest of the crew were there as well, so we wandered around for a while together.  In our wandering, we came across a booth that was giving away free t-shirts for anyone who could do 25 "burpies".  They looked extremely difficult, but Adam and Sybil were up for the challenge.

After the Expo we carbed up for dinner, picked out our clothes for the race, and headed to bed.  We left the hotel at 4:45 Saturday morning headed to the race.  After several hours of standing around in the cold it was time to head to our corrals.  Rachel and I were in the same corral so we chatted with people and tried to stay as warm as possible before we actually started.  Now the race starts at 8:00 but you are in different corrals based on your predicted ending time.  Rachel and I were in corral 11 so we started about 12 minutes after the first corral started.  To sum it all up, I had a blast, Savannah is a beautiful city to run through, but by mile 7 or 8 I was in serious pain.  My knees were hurting like they had never hurt before and I had a horrible cramp in the arch of my right foot (which still seems to be there).  The only way to get over the pain was to finish the race.  I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.  *If you want to check out all of the photos go to and follow the directions.


This is Rachel sprinting to the finish line.  Look at her go.

Adam is in the yellow.

Sybil running like the wind.

Aaron looking cool and confident.
Rachel and I cheesing it for the camera.
Proof that I did actually finish.  I ran the 1/2 in 2:22:59.
We all finished!!!

Photo in front of a beautiful fountain after the race.
So excited.  "Check out our medals"

After we got back to the hotel, showered, and relaxed our EXTREMELY SORE muscles, we headed to lunch in downtown Savannah.  We figured since we had all just run 13.1 miles we could consume as much food as possible.  And that is exactly what we did.  We ate at Kayak Kafe.  It was delicious. 
We spent a little while walking around, exploring, and eating some ice cream, before we headed back to the car to do a little sightseeing via car.  It is much easier on the legs.  The rest of the trip was spent watching the Alabama/LSU game and consuming as much pizza as possible.  I had a great time and really enjoyed spending some quality time with my family. 
"Would I do it again?"  Only if everyone else in the family was going to run too.  For me I've accomplished my goal and I've got the sticker to prove it.  :)  Until next time...