Last weekend Aaron and I took a little road trip to Panama City for the Baldwin Baptist Back to School Retreat. No we didn't take our youth, Aaron, Brad, and Matt (part of Seraph) led worship and I tagged along. I must say it was a lot of fun to be a "groupie" and Haley (Matt's wife) and I enjoyed chatting while the guys were practicing. Needless to say we had a lot of fun, ate some great food, spent quality time with wonderful friends, never made it to the beach because it was too HOT, and got to get away one last time before the summmer ended. Now before we left, Aaron and I both had haircut appointments. We were both still sporting our wedding haircuts and well looking a little shaggy. So I made the appointments and off we went. Aaron was going for his cool band look and I decided that I wanted a new look as well... I mean I am a new person, name wise. So I googled some pictures and found one that I thought I could pull off. Here are our new dos:
I'm still getting use to the fact that I have something on my forehead and at times I find some bobby pins and pin those bangs back. I haven't had bangs since the 7th grade. I've gotten many compliments on the new style and teachers at school at first glance didn't recognize me. So here is the new me.
Moving on to today, where we made yet another large purchase. We bought a new stove two weeks ago in exchange for a rent. It is amazing! So I decided that I would cut the grass yesterday morning before heading to a wedding shower for LeeAnn and Willie. I get everything ready and I'm cutting away. After about five passes, the lawn mower dies. Now it had done this to me before but we changed the starter and it worked perfectly. After several attempts I finally gave up. Today we bought a beautiful red Troybuilt lawn mower with a mulcher bag. After my amazing husband put it together of course he had to go and try it out. Here he is cutting the front yard:
So the front yard is nice and neat and parts of the backyard are, we had to go and run so the rest of the yard can wait until later.
And the last new thing on our list is the NEW SCHOOL YEAR!!! While I started back to work last Monday, the children will arrive tomorrow. As always I'm excited, nervous, hopeful, tired, and many other emotions as the new year begins. I met a lot of my students on Friday for "Meet the Teacher" and I must say I've got some precious students this year. As always it is fun to see past students, who were completely confused and didn't know what to call me (since my name has changed). I mean I'm still getting use to people calling me Mrs. Turner, so I'll just answer to both names, for a while at least.
Well I'm looking at the clock and the time to head to bed is quickly coming and morning will be here before I know it. Until next time...
Good luck as you start back! We don't start with our workdays until wednesday and kids on aug 25th. Hope you guys are well!