Monday, December 3, 2012

Our God is AWESOME!!!

Just wanted to share some of the awesome things Aaron and I have experienced since joining The Summit Church.  We have become a part of a small group that has blessed us beyond anything we could ever imagine.  We have made new relationships, rekindled old friendships (amazing how many former UM students are attending The Summit) and dug deep into God's word.  Aaron and I both serve in a variety of ways, in just the short time that we have been here.  I serve on the Starting Point Team (feeding people who are interested in becoming members of the church) and Aaron is on the Worship Team playing bass (he is such a natural).  Then there are Sunday mornings where Aaron and I get to sit together as a family and worship.  I can not even begin to express to you how AMAZING it is to be a "normal church member" after years of being on staff.  It is so REFRESHING.  I can only speak from personal experience (since I'm the one doing the writing) but I have learned so much from sitting under the teachings of J.D Greear.  Words can not express the knowledge and insight that I have gained over the past few months.

We recently went through a series entitled "ALL IN".  I am going to include a video clip of the conclusion/beginning of this process.  In this video it will explain what "ALL IN" is and what we as God's church are doing to be "ALL IN" for HIM.  The part I really wanted to share is about 9 minutes long but if you have about an hour, there is a great sermon after the "ALL IN" part.  Please be in prayer as we (Aaron and I) continue to seek God's will and are "ALL IN" for His Kingdom.

ALL IN VIDEO - (stops about about 9:07 but the sermon is awesome too).  Listen and see just how AWESOME OUR GOD IS!!!!!

BONUS FEATURE - The Story of God by Matt Papa.  I first heard Matt Papa at Preview Day at Southeastern over a year ago.  He is a student there and also one of the worship leaders at The Summit.  Someone posted this on Twitter, I watched it, and thought  "this is something everyone should see, or at least the few people who read our blog.  :)

One final thing:  Speaking of finals, that time if very quickly approaching.  I can't believe the end of the semester is almost here, just two weeks away and we will have our first semester of seminary under our belts.  Please be in prayer for Aaron as he works diligently to complete all of his classwork, quizzes, and papers and then begin studying for finals.  The workload is piling up as are the books in our study. 
Pray specifically for:
  • rest, pulling some late nighters, makes for a very tired Aaron,
  • remembering everything he has learned and being able to apply it when taking his finals,
  • patience and determination to continue working even when the stress of it all seems to be more than he can bear,
  • to remember that God has him for a specific purpose and to trust Him,
  • and to enjoy his break from school, spending time with friends and family.
For me
  •  that I will be an encouragement to Aaron,
  • allow him time to get his work done, even if I haven't seen him all day,
  • and verbally show him how proud I am of him, because I couldn't be more proud of all he has accomplished over this past semester.
Until next time...


  1. Laura! I am so glad to have found your blog via the RDU bloggers meet up group. My husband and I attend The Summit too! Isn't it amazing what God is doing through our church! The All-In committment series was awesome. Anyways, just wanted to say hello! And that I will be praying for you and your husband as he takes (well probably past ense now) his finals!


    1. Lauren, so wonderful to meet you, through the blogging world at least. I can't wait until all of us RDU bloggers can meet each other in person. I had a great time reading your blog. Love all of the kitty pictures. We have a kitty too. So amazing that we are go to the same church. Such a blessing to my husband and me. I hope you and your husband have a safe trip to Texas. We are leaving Friday for Alabama. Thanks for the prayers, finals went well, just waiting on the grades now. Merry Christmas!!!

