Our Christmas began very early Friday morning, like 5:30 in the morning early. This year we traveled to see our families, which meant a lot of driving. I must say getting up that early in the morning to drive the 13 hour drive to Citronelle, made it seem shorter. Maybe because I slept through several parts of the trip. Trust me I am so much happier if I can just sleep while traveling that long of a distance. Around 6:30 Friday evening we finally made it to Citronelle (where Aaron's parents live) and enjoyed some wonderful quality family time. We were able to just relax and hang out with the family without having to rush in a million different directions. And eat, oh the wonderful food we got to eat. Speaking of food, while we were in Mobile Aaron and I were able to meet up with some friends for a truly Mobile treat...
Foosackly's. Such a blessing getting to spend time with such dear friends, really wish we lived closer and could do it more often.
Sadly all I have to show was my cup of sweet tea. I ate all of my food before I realized I hadn't taken a picture. It was that good.
We went to church Sunday with Aaron's parents and then RELAXED all day Sunday. I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is to relax and just spend some great quality time with family. Christmas Eve we had Christmas and opened presents. We were showered with so many wonderful things. Sadly I have no pictures but I received two beautiful scarves (gotta love scarves) and an insulated picnic basket for taking food to people. It will be put to good use I am sure. On Christmas Eve evening we said bye to the Turner's and headed north 3 hours to spend the remainder of our trip with my family. Those 3 hours may have been the longest part of the ENTIRE trip, but we listened and sang to just about every Christmas Carol the radio could offer. I am officially done with Christmas music until next year. :)
Christmas Day was EXTREMELY relaxing. We woke up, had a tasty breakfast of french toast, bacon, grits, and delicious coffee. My siblings are both nurses so they had to work, so our Waters' Family Christmas wasn't until the 27th. I throughly enjoyed the time in the kitchen with my mama and listening to Aaron and Daddy discuss his new recording equipment BUT it was just weird seeing all of those pretty presents under the tree and not getting to open any of them. Wednesday, Aaron and I headed to Carrollton, Georgia to visit my Granny and Pop, along with my uncle and his family. We weren't able to make it Gardendale (where my grandparents live) to have Christmas there, so we just took a day and drove to see them at my uncle's. We had a lovely visit and even got to see some SNOW!!! CHRISTMAS MORNING (which was actually Thursday) was just as exciting as I can remember as a kid. Another day of delicious breakfast foods, opening gifts, playing games, trying on new outfits, and again time in the kitchen cooking. My aunt and uncle and cousins (along with their wives) came over for coffee and dessert that evening. Such a wonderful way to conclude our trip being surrounded by family.
Friday morning we started the long trek home, and boy was it FOREVER long. We finally made it home and keeping with our Friday night ritual we ordered pizza and watched Elf, for the second time.
Saturday morning, CHRISTMAS TIME AT THE TURNER'S... we finally had our Christmas. I actually have pictures to show. I always enjoy listening all year to things that Aaron says he would like but won't buy for himself, but never fear, I'm taking notes so I can surprise him.
Our beautiful Christmas tree. |
Nose and Ear Hair Trimmers |
One night this book came up in our conversation, Aaron had never read it, so he got a copy for Christmas. He also got the audio version to listen to in the car. We only made it through CD #2 on our car ride. I think he may have made it farther just reading the book. Needless to say he has really enjoyed it. |
This is a library press for ALL of his books. I think he has been wanting one of these for about 2 years. He has been stamping away. |
Modeling his new LLBean sweater. He looks mighty handsome. |
Aaron outdid himself this year. I got a brand new IPOD. It has a touch screen, so cool, and the Nike Plus sensor is built right in, no excuse now. I also got a full length mirror. Which means I can actually see my whole outfit before I make it to school and see my reflection in the glass doors as I'm walking into work. My stocking was also full of M-M's, fuzzy socks (because I love to have toasty feet) and a hat, scarf, and glove set, which I wore around the house.
My IPOD, isn't it cute! |
My stocking stash. |
Gracie enjoyed Christmas too. She is a sucker for a good box and tissue paper.
Gracie loves her new kitty blanket. |
The best place for taking a nap. |
While Christmas 2012 has been different we throughly enjoyed spending quality time with our families. We have enjoyed these last couple of days at home just resting and enjoying time with each other. Looking forward to a relaxing evening as 2012 comes to a close. Excited to see what 2013 brings!