I love a good excuse to make something sweet, usually chocolate, so when Elizabeth asked if Aaron and I could babysit on Sunday, I thought - this is the perfect opportunity to make cookies with the girls. My brain started to think... what kind of cookie would be good to make with small children. SUGAR COOKIES OF COURSE. My plan was to make rolled sugar cookies, decorate them with icing and sprinkles, the whole nine yards. You know sugar the kiddos up and then leave, but I've tried rolled sugar cookies and they were a failure. Plus the only cookie cutters I had were Christmas ones, which I didn't feel were appropriate for this Mardi Gras/Valentine season. So off to Pinterest I go to find a sugar cookie recipe, that doesn't require rolling, but can still be decorated. Click
here for that recipe.
Success, I found a
soft and chewy sugar cookie recipe that was PERFECT for this occasion. I made the dough ahead of time and just placed it in the refrigerator until it was time to be used. I gathered my sprinkles, red hots, chocolate kisses, and food coloring (sugar + couple of drops of food coloring in a baggie, squish it up, perfectly colored sugar crystals AND you can put the cookie dough in the bag, seal it, let the kids shake it until it is covered, and TA-DA, sugar covered sugar cookies) and headed to the Sirven's House for some FUN!!!!
We spent the afternoon napping, riding our bikes and the girls helped me fix spaghetti for dinner (they ate almost all of it because they knew there were cookies to make). After dinner was cleaned up, it was COOKIE TIME!!! Aaron kept Nate out of the kitchen and the GIRLS went to baking. They had a blast. I gave them one scoop of dough to just play with, which got really squishy in their hands, which they licked, and then washed them. Finally it came time to decorate cookies. Oh we had a blast!
Playing with a scoop of cookie dough. |
Their masterpieces |
Julia Rose showing off all of her hard work. |
Ready to go in the oven. |
Finished product.
Eating one of her blue cookies. |
Julia Rose was on her third cookie and couldn't quite finish it. |
We had a blast and Aaron finally got his sugar cookies with Hershey Kisses, that he has been asking for since Christmas. So the next time you need a yummy treat for yourself or to keep small children entertained, these cookies are a must. Happy Eating!!!
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