Monday, July 4, 2011


Expecations- we all have them. In the past month I have had many expectations. Expectations for what our wedding would look like, sound like, how the food from the reception would taste, how people would react when they heard "How He Loves" sung by Aaron or would they even recognize his voice. Expectations of the honeymoon, plane ride, car ride to the resort, food there, and married life in general. The reality of it all is so much more than I could have ever expected.

Tomorrow Aaron and I (along with two other brave chaperones) will take 24 students to Global Camp in Chatsworth, GA. Let me back up just a bit and give a quick recap of our fabulous group of students. Last year we took 11 students to the same camp (in Panama City). It was during this time where we really saw God take a hold of these students and grow them like we had never seen before. We watched God grow our group of students, watched the students rally around each other in times of need, spend time together outside of youth activities, and generally realized that they enjoyed hanging out together. The past year has been amazing to watch. Which brings me back to the title "Expectancy"... What are each one of us expecting from the "camp experience"? Wednesday night Aaron talked about this and asked the students to go to camp expecting something. Now I ask myself the same question: What am I expecting?

Please pray for us. We begin our journey bright and early in the morning (it is a 7 hour drive, with a time change, and breakfast and lunch pit stop along the way). We will head back home Saturday. Pray that the students and adults eyes and hearts are open to what God has to say to us during the week and we will actually listen and take action.

My Expectations: To watch our group unify even more, truly hear from God, and then take what we have learned home and share with those we come in contact with. We love you all and can't wait to share the updates!

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