This past week has been crazy busy, with something planned for every night, and from the looks of the calendar it doesn't look like it is slowing down any time soon. Enjoy the photo journey of our week.
After a quiet relaxing Sunday, Aaron and I hit the ground running with several projects and events for the week. Elizabeth and I had been asked to decorate for Ladies Night at The Summit on Wednesday. We actually began preparing for this the previous Friday but Monday and Tuesday were super busy making last minute preparations. Monday night, Aaron and I wrapped 100 forks, tied jute around them and placed a small white flower in the bow. I am so grateful for Aaron's willingness to help out because I may have never finished. On the bright side, we stayed up later and got to enjoy some extra t.v. shows we don't normally watch.
Tuesday = Flowers = becoming a Florist = tons of flower arrangements = Gracie becoming a jungle kitty. Tuesday night Elizabeth came over with all of the flowers from a local florist and we began getting to work.*Side Note: Elizabeth invited the florist to Ladies Night, she came, and then her entire family was at church Saturday night. Love the way God works. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
In the corner you can see the forks, never did take another picture. Here are just some of the flowers. |
All of the flowers have been taken out of their wrappers and grouped. Elizabeth was hastily getting all of the vases ready so we could start arranging. We made such a mess, but had an amazing time. |
Unused flowers. |
All of the bouquets, minus the five baby's breath bouquets that were already packed and ready to go. Gracie had a wonderful time poking her head through the flowers and chewing on the jute. She was a tiger in the jungle. |
Wednesday, Elizabeth and I loaded everything in the car and headed to church to set up. We had an awesome night hanging out with the ladies and learning about intentional evangelism.
Putting the finishing touches on the table before the ladies arrived with the food. |
The sign-in table. |
The ladies enjoying all of the tasty treats. |
Chocolate Fountain, need I say more. |
Ladies Night, North Raleigh Campus, The Summit Church |
Thursday, we finally got new windows at the apartment. We were the absolute last people in the entire complex to get windows. Apparently it was a noisy process and Gracie did not appreciate the workers disturbing her morning nap. Here was her hiding spot.
"Just put the blanket on me so no one can see me please. I'm trying to hide." |
She spent most of the time on top of the washer covered with her blanket. |
After several hours, Gracie finally felt safe enough to come out of hiding. She found Aaron and flopped at his feet. She was in need of some serious attention. |
Thursday's Veggie Meal - Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Steamed Cabbage with Bacon, and a homemade Biscuit (which I later ate with sliced strawberries, reminded me of my Granny's and breakfast). All of the produce came from our CSA pick-up. We have really enjoyed having fresh fruits and veggies every week. |
Friday night was our traditional pizza night. We were able to use some of our fresh tomatoes and green onions as toppings for the pizzas. Having fresh veggies around is so wonderful.
Saturday morning Aaron headed out for a bike ride and I headed to run errands. Saturday night church service is truly a blessing. We enjoyed pizza leftovers and a couple of episodes of "Shark Tank" before we called it a night.
Sunday = Sabbath Day = Rest - Since we went to church last night I was able to get some serious rest today, which is much needed after a week like we just had. Aaron played at another church this morning, so I had the apartment to myself. I spent the morning/afternoon canning tomatoes and storing salad greens for the coming week. I didn't have tons of tomatoes to can but wanted to see if it was something I could actually do, which thanks to Pinterest, it is. Now I'm just in search of a canning pot, mainly because I think it will be easier than using my soup pots.
Canning Tomatoes Link I love spending time in the kitchen. It is so relaxing to me.
Beautiful Tomatoes from our CSA. |
Jars are sterilizing and the tomatoes are ready for a cold bath to remove their peeling. |
Peeled and cored tomatoes. Ready to be diced and placed into jars. |
Finished product. |
Yet another full week in the Turner Home, and looking at the calendar, this coming week promises to be equally as busy. Looking forward to sharing more adventures with you. Until next time...
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